Kamala Harris by Gage Skidmore

Add a carbon tax to the long list of new and higher taxes endorsed by Kamala Harris.

“Under my plan, there will also be a carbon fee,” Harris said during a CNN “climate crisis town hall” in September 2019.

As noted by CBS News, Harris endorsed “a carbon tax, a ‘climate pollution fee,’ a ban on fracking and a commitment to $10 trillion in climate spending.”

Kamala’s progressive allies in the U.S. House are pushing several carbon tax bills and most recently, nearly every House Democrat indicated support of a carbon tax: Only 10 House Democrats voted for a resolution expressing opposition to a carbon tax. All House Republicans except one voted for the resolution to express opposition to a carbon tax.

The vote was held on March 21, 2024. The resolution — H. Con. Res. 86 — expressed the sense that “a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy.”

Key Senate Democrats also want to impose a carbon tax. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) began working on legislation to create a carbon tax that would start as high as $18 per ton of CO2 and increase over time. Such a proposal could increase taxes by more than one trillion dollars over a decade.

Kamala’s carbon tax will raise the cost of heating your home in the winter and cooling your home in the summer. It will raise the cost of filling your car. A carbon tax will further increase the power, cost and intrusiveness of the government in our lives.

Stay tuned to ATR’s Kamalanomics.org for updates.