
Today the GOP platform affirmed President Trump’s call to make the Trump TCJA tax cuts permanent, and to pursue additional tax cuts.

The platform states:

Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent and No Tax on Tips

Republicans will make permanent the provisions of the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that doubled the standard deduction, expanded the Child Tax Credit, and spurred Economic Growth for all Americans. We will eliminate Taxes on Tips for millions of Restaurant and Hospitality Workers, and pursue additional Tax Cuts.”

The platform also calls for an expansion of tax-free 529 education savings accounts:

“We will expand 529 Education Savings Accounts and support Homeschooling Families equally.”

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform said:

“The 2024 Republican platform is strongly pro-taxpayer. The platform makes clear the Republican party is committed to making the Trump tax cuts permanent, and committed to further tax reductions including the elimination of taxes on tipped income and savings for education.”

President Trump has been clear that he will pursue further tax cuts and make the Trump TCJA tax cuts permanent.

Trump said:

“I will make the Trump tax cuts permanent. You know they expire in a year. And we will cut your taxes even more than that.”

Trump also said:

“Instead of a Biden tax hike, I’ll give you a Trump middle class, upper class, lower class, business class, big tax cut.”